Temperature Display:
Current Temperature: 38.5°C
(Optimal Range: 37-39°C)
Status: Optimal
Adjustment Buttons: [+0.5°C] [-0.5°C]
Effect: Higher temperatures accelerate hatching but may reduce stability.
Humidity Level:
Current Humidity: 65%
(Optimal Range: 60-70%)
Status: Stable
Adjustment Slider:
[55% ⬌ 75%]
Effect: Humidity impacts creature's physical traits (e.g., skin texture or resilience).
Energy Levels:
Core Power: 87%
Energy Source: Solar Reactor (Charging)
Status: Sufficient
Effect: Energy affects overall incubator performance and speed.
Mutation Index:
Mutation Chance: 12.5%
Active Mutation Boosters:
Radiation Emitter: +5%
Genetic Catalyst: +2%
Rare Mutation Alert: "Unstable DNA detected!"
Effect: Mutation increases the rarity and uniqueness of the hatched creature.
Mutation Index:
Mutation Chance: 56.5%
Active Mutation Boosters:
Radiation Emitter: +10%
Genetic Catalyst: +2%
Rare Mutation Alert: "Unstable DNA detected!"
Effect: Mutation increases the rarity and uniqueness of the hatched creature.
Energy Levels:
Core Power: 34%
Energy Source: Solar Reactor (Charging)
Status: Sufficient
Effect: Energy affects overall incubator performance and speed.
Humidity Level:
Current Humidity: 10%
(Optimal Range: 20-50%)
Status: Stable
Adjustment Slider:
[15% ⬌ 40%]
Effect: Humidity impacts creature's physical traits (e.g., skin texture or resilience).
Mutation Index:
Mutation Chance: 97.8%
Active Mutation Boosters:
Radiation Emitter: +15%
Genetic Catalyst: +23%
Rare Mutation Alert: "Unstable DNA detected!"
Effect: Mutation increases the rarity and uniqueness of the hatched creature.
Energy Levels:
Core Power: 98%
Energy Source: Solar Reactor (Charging)
Status: Sufficient
Effect: Energy affects overall incubator performance and speed.
Humidity Level:
Current Humidity: 24%
(Optimal Range: 35-45%)
Status: Stable
Adjustment Slider:
[20% ⬌ 30%]
Effect: Humidity impacts creature's physical traits (e.g., skin texture or resilience).
tadpole quality: legendary
Temperature Display:
Current Temperature: 154°C
(Optimal Range: 200-350°C)
Status: Deterioration
Adjustment Buttons: [+100.5°C] [+300°C]
Effect: Higher temperatures accelerate hatching but may reduce stability.
Temperature Display:
Current Temperature: 05°C
(Optimal Range: (-5)-(-15)°C)
Status: Optimal
Adjustment Buttons: [+3.5°C] [-3.5°C]
Effect: Higher temperatures accelerate hatching but may reduce stability.
Time Compression Field
Effect: Reduces hatching time by 50%.
Duration: 2 hours.
Cost: 0.5 sol
Visual Cue: A glowing blue aura appears around the egg.
Side Effect: Slightly increases energy consumption.
Stellar Dust Infusion
Effect: Increases the chance of obtaining rare or epic creatures by 10%.
Duration: Active until hatching.
Cost: 1 sol
Visual Cue: Golden sparkles surround the egg, and a soft humming sound plays.
Temperature Display:
Current Temperature: -03°C
(Optimal Range: (-60)-70°C)
Status: Optimal
Adjustment Buttons: [-20°C] [+100°C]
Effect: Higher temperatures accelerate hatching but may reduce stability.
Humidity Level:
Current Humidity: 66%
(Optimal Range: 01-90%)
Status: Stable
Adjustment Slider:
[10% ⬌ 90%]
Effect: Humidity impacts creature's physical traits (e.g., skin texture or resilience).
Energy Levels:
Core Power: 74%
Energy Source: Solar Reactor (Charging)
Status: Sufficient
Effect: Energy affects overall incubator performance and speed.
Mutation Index:
Mutation Chance: 1%
Active Mutation Boosters:
Radiation Emitter: +1%
Genetic Catalyst: +1%
Rare Mutation Alert: "Unstable DNA detected!"
Effect: Mutation increases the rarity and uniqueness of the hatched creature.
© 2025 tadpole incubator. All rights reserved.
Nutrient Infusion Pack
Effect: Boosts egg health and ensures optimal hatching conditions.
Duration: 1 application (instant effect).
Cost: 0.5 sol
Visual Cue: Nutrient fluid is injected into the incubator, changing its color momentarily.
Effect: Preserves egg integrity during unstable conditions, preventing decay.
Duration: 1 application.
Cost: 1 sol
Visual Cue: A frosty effect temporarily envelops the egg.